


名畑文巨(ナバタフミオ)   Richard Bailey(リチャード・ベイリー)

会 期 2021年7月22日(木) - 2021年8月 3日(火)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 渋谷ヒカリエ8/CUBE
料 金 入場無料
主 催 写真展ポジティブエナジーズ実行委員会  

ダウン症のある人たちの前向きなエネルギー「Positive Energies」が写真からほとばしる、名畑文巨とリチャード・ベイリーの二人展

名畑文巨は小さな子どもが持っているポジティブなエネルギーをテーマに、世界のダウン症のある子どもたちを取材撮影し、写真展を展開するプロジェクトを立ち上げ実行しています。2018年にロンドンで開催した第1回写真展「Positive Energies」で、日本・英国・ミャンマー・南アフリカ共和国の取材を敢行し、「ダウン症」をテーマとする英国人写真家の二人、リチャード・ベイリー、フィオナ・イーロン・フィールドとの三人展を実現しました。
●協賛:ぜんち共済株式会社、 日本コンパクトディスク・ビデオレンタル商業組合
●特別協力:Shifting Perspectives Project
●後援:外務省、厚生労働省、東京都、渋谷区、公益財団法人スペシャルオリンピックス日本、公益財団法人日本ダウン症協会、公益社団法人日本写真協会、特定非営利活動法人大阪USクラブ、特定非営利活動法人アクセプションズ 、英国ダウン症協会、ミャンマーダウン症協会、南アフリカダウン症協会
The theme is the positive energy of people with Down's Syndrome.
Japan's first photo exhibition that moved the hearts of people in London in 2018
Photographer Fumio Nabata has launched and is executing a project to take pictures of children with Down's Syndrome around the world and hold photo exhibitions around the world under the theme of the positive energy that small children have. Has already taken photographs of Japan, the United Kingdom, Myanmar, and South Africa.
Then, in London in 2018, in collaboration with two British photographers, Richard Bailey and Fiona Yaron-Field, who also have the theme of "People with Down’s Syndrome", the first photo exhibition "Positive" Energies "was held.
And this time, at the 2nd Japan Exhibition,
Against the background of one of the concepts of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in Tokyo in the summer of 2021 is “Unity in diversity,” many people will feel the energy of people with Down’s Syndrome, remove the psychological barriers to people with disabilities, and move toward a society where all humans can coexist. We would like to utilize this opportunity as a trigger to this society change.
● Organizer: Photographic Exhibition "Positive Energies" Executive Committee
● Grants: 
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
● Special sponsorship: Shoko Kanazawa
● Sponsor: Zenchikyosai, Compact Disc & Video Rental Commerce Trade Association of Japan
● Special cooperation: Shifting Perspectives Project
● Supported of the project:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Shibuya City, 
Special Olympics Nippon Foundation, Japan Down Syndrome Society, Down's Syndrome Association (UK), Myanmar Down Syndrome Association, Down Syndrome South Africa, The Photographic Society of Japan, NPO Osaka US Club, NPO Acceptances
Richard Bailey/ロンドン在住。彼自身、ダウン症のある子をもつ。英国ダウン症協会を中心に、同じ立場の人が集まり誕生した写真プロジェクト「Shifting Perspectives」にてキュレーターを務め、2005年から8年間に7カ国・40都市で写真展を開催。その後、2014年に公益財団法人日本ダウン症協会主催により東京で開催。
Fumio Nabata / Lives in Osaka. He continues to shoot artworks on the theme of children's lively facial expressions, cute gestures, and the feeling of happiness felt by those who see them. Impressed by the positive energy of children with Down’s Syndrome, he photographs and disseminates children with Down’s Syndrome around the world. A grand-prize winner in 2009 APA Award,  A Member of the Japan Professional Photographers Society.
Richard Bailey / Lives in London. He himself has a child with Down’s Syndrome. He has been a curator for the photo project "Shifting Perspectives", which was created by people from the same position, led by the British Down Syndrome Society, and has held photo exhibitions in 40 cities in 7 countries for eight years from 2005. After that, it was held in Tokyo in 2014, sponsored by the Japan Down Syndrome Society.