

Hayato Setsu

Overlap of the Memories... 「旅の記憶」 展


会 期 2020年11月26日(木) - 2020年12月15日(火)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00 ※最終日は17:00まで
料 金 入場無料
主 催 Hayato Setsu  setsu.designunited@gmail.com


旅の記憶は、美化されたり 行った場所や時期が どんどん曖昧になっていきます。
私は そんな上書きされ曖昧になった印象こそが むしろ本当の「旅の記憶」だと思います。
The memories of the traveling will become more beautiful than original memories over time. and the place and time of the trip become more and more ambiguous.
I think that the overraped and ambiguous impression is rather the true "memories of the traveling."
I draw them with overlaped layers because I want to express them.
When I went around the world in 2002, I made a scrapbook with daily wasted printed papers from various places.
I look at the pasted layers,  overlaped travel memories become my mind.
For about 20 years after that, every time I have traveling, I collaged, wrote down what I felt, and drew pictures, and it became about 30 books. I make my original scrapbook according to the number of days and the destination. I love the feeling that the journey begins from that point.
In this exhibition, based on scrapbooks and pictures from various places, we will reconstruct and overlap them to express them in works.
The actual scrapbook will also be on display. Please take a look.
Also sell goods designed with travel and painting work motifs.
I am very happy that everyone who sees this exhibition will want to go on a travel again and look back on their memories of their travel.
Official site  https://overlap-of-the-memories.themedia.jp
1972年 大阪生まれ 湘南育ち。 武蔵野美術大学 卒
2002年 会社辞めたら365連休!世界一周旅行に。アジア、ヨーロッパ、南米、カリブ、北米、オセアニアを1年で周遊。旅行中に、各地の日々の紙くずをコラージュし絵を描く。
2003年 帰国後、ニフティ株式会社に入社。会社員デザイナーとして働きながら、個人的な創作活動として旅行をテーマにコラージュ作品を作り続ける。
2019年 もういちど世界一周。短期の3ヶ月。
現在は、作家活動するとともにフリーランスデザイナー。H Design United 代表。
Born in Osaka in 1972 and raised in Shonan. Graduated from Musashino Art University
in 2002, 'If you quit job, 365 days become holidays!'  I had traveling around the world trop. Tour Asia, Europe, South America, Caribbean, North America and Oceania in one year. 
While traveling days, collage colected printed papers from various places and draw pictures.
After returning to Japan in 2003, joined NFTY Corporation. While working as an in-house designer, I continues to create collage works on the theme of travel as a personal creative activity.
2013 first exhibition of collage works
2019 Around the world trip again !  Short term 3 months.
Currently, Artist, Painter and Designer. Founder of H Design United.


