

西崎純個展  「在るがままに」Jun Nishizaki Exhibition-Just as I am‐

会 期 2021年7月 1日(木) - 2021年7月 6日(火)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00※最終入場19:30まで
場 所 CUBE 1, 2, 3
料 金 入場無料
主 催 一般社団法人ジャパンプロモーション 03-5766-2450


A resident of Nara Prefecture, Nishizaki has created several portraits that are noble and abundant with a mysteriously unique beauty that has won her numerous fans both at home and abroad. Attracting the attention of many, her style is said to that of “A painter who depicts the deepest depths of the human heart like Egon Schiele, who played an active role in Vienna at the end of the century." She published "Jun Nishizaki Portfolio -Angels-" in 2015. She has held several solo exhibitions including The Ueno Royal Museum Annex (Tokyo) in 2016, Galerie Lehalle (Paris) in 2017, Leyden Gallery (London) in 2019 , The Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo) in 2020 and many other solo exhibitions.
○ 会場内では、マスク着用・咳エチケットの徹底と、手指のアルコール消毒、⼈と⼈との間隔(1m)を空けるようご協力をお願いいたします。





奈良県在住。高潔でありながらもミステリアスな独特の美しさを湛えた人物画を数多く制作し、国内外に多くのファンを持つ。その作風から、「世紀末のウィーンで活躍したエゴン・シーレのように、人間の内面をえぐり出すようにして描く画家」とも称され、注目を集めている。2015年「西崎純画集一天使たちへ一」発刊。2016年上野の森美術館別館ギャラリー(東京)、2017年ギャラリー・ルアール(パリ)、2019年レイデン・ギャラリー(ロンドン)、2020年上野の森美術館本館 (東京)ほか個展多数。


A resident of Nara Prefecture, Nishizaki has created several portraits that are noble and
abundant with a mysteriously unique beauty that has carned her numerous fans both at
ome and abroad. Attracting the attention of many, her style is said to that of"A
who depicts the deepest depths of the human heart like Egon Schielc, who played an
active role in Vienna at the end of the century." 2015 saw the publishing of "Jun
Nishizaki Portfolio -Angels-" She has held several solo exhibitions including exhibitions