

芦田尚美 展「ポケットダイビング」Naomi Ashida "Diving into the Pocket"

会 期 2014年8月27日(水) - 2014年9月 8日(月)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 入場無料 Admission Free

オープニングレセプション:8月27日(水)18:00 ー 20:00

Opening reception: August 27 (Wed.) 18:00 ー 20:00


— ポケットの中の秘密 芦田尚美 陶芸展


芦田尚美は1975年、京都府生まれ。2000年に京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科工芸専攻陶磁器を修了しました。現在は京都市の松ヶ崎を拠点に制作しています。主に、IDEE、CLASKA Gallery & Shop "DO"などのインテリアショップや、大手百貨店などで、日常使いの器を中心に、季節や空間にあわせた期間限定の出品を行なっていますが、弊廊では、より自由な発想で制作された、一点もののオブジェや器などを中心にご紹介します。







Naomi Ashida's ceramic work is characteristic for having both techniques rooted in tradition as well as a somewhat Westernized sense of color.  She creates daily-use ceramics such as her "AMETSUCHI" series, but for exhibitions she takes in various themes and motifs such as "Alice in Wonderland” to create a joyful world like that of an opened-up picture book.  This exhibition is positioned as an extension from her solo show "Pocket" held in Kyoto last year.

 dive into an uncertain hole and begin to swim
 things left behind in someone's bag
 filled with memories of some time and secrets
                — Naomi Ashida

At this exhibition, part of the space of which has been made to resemble a pocket, she will show a mixture of her most recent works, and ceramics from her standard series such as those from the "AMETSUCHI" series.

Naomi Ashida was born in 1975 in Kyoto. She received an M.F.A. from the Graduate School of Art, Kyoto City University of Arts in 2000. She mainly creates daily-use ceramics suitable for varying seasons and spaces, available at interior design shops such as IDÉE, CLASKA Gallery & Shop "DO", and department stores.  At our gallery, she will present original objets and ceramics created from a more free inspiration.


For more information about the artist, please visit the following link.