

Fashion Values Society -DE&Iを知る、感じる、繋がる3日間

会 期 2024年5月14日(火) - 2024年5月16日(木)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00 ※14日(火) 14:00~20:00  15日(水)&16日(木) 11:00~16:30
場 所 8/COURT
料 金 入場無料

主 催 SOLIT株式会社


『Fashion Values Society -DE&Iを知る、感じる、繋がる3日間』は、ダイバーシティー×ファッションをテーマに、日本や世界を取り巻くDE&I(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン)について考える3日間連続開催のイベントです。
・テーマ1:SOLIT! Duh! 多様な人と作り上げるファッションデザイン
・ テーマ2:当事者と考えるマイノリティー・コミュニケーション
田中美咲(SOLIT株式会社 代表取締役)/ 和田菜摘(SOLIT株式会社 環境・人権担当)/芳坂 映由花(VFW出場モデル)/Nao(VFW出場モデル)/水口 ミライ(VFW出場モデル)/Moeba(VFW出場モデル)/髙居 千紘(VFW出場モデル)/大瀧 篤(一般社団法人 世界ゆるスポーツ協会 理事/スポーツクリエイター)/小池 友紀(at FOREST株式会社 CEO)/ 正木 雄太(at FOREST株式会社 COO)/森 一貴(参加型デザイナー)/石井 健介(ブラインドコミュニケーター)/宮田 尚幸(Vilhelm Hertz Japan)/横井 志教(株式会社アイシン YYSystem担当)/ 井田 幸男(コクヨ株式会社 サステナビリティ推進室 理事)/合澤 栄美(The Valuable 500 日本/アジア太平洋地域担当マネジャー)/ 東 由紀(コカ・コーラ ボトラーズジャパン株式会社 執行役員)/ 石井 挙之(仕立屋と職人)/ワタナベユカリ(仕立屋と職人)/峯村 昇吾(造形構想株式会社)/ Christine Hemphill(Open Inclusion)/桑山 知之(演出家・ドキュメンタリーディレクター)/丸山 晴生(俳優・フォトグラファー)/林 将平(特定非営利活動法人WELgee) 他
"Fashion Values Society - -3days to understand, experience and engage with DE&I" is a 3-day event held to think about DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) in Japan and around the world under the theme of diversity x fashion.
SOLIT!, a Japanese inclusive fashion brand that participated in the Vancouver Fashion Week (VFW) fashion show held in Vancouver, Canada, will discuss issues in the fashion industry and DE&I issues that they felt during their challenge on the global runway. Through various contents such as exhibitions, talk sessions, and workshops, we would like to share our thoughts with you from the cultural city of Shibuya.
・An exhibition that discusses three issues that became critical during the fashion show and our solutions.
・Gallery tours by VFW models from diverse backgrounds
・Talk sessions by guests who are active in various themes
・Workshops to experience DE&I
▼Exhibitions [No Reservations Required]
The following three themes are exhibited along with the costumes used in the VFW production, discussing issues and solutions to diversity in fashion.
1) Diversity of models (solutions to break out of the stereotyping of beauty)
(2) Costume display (solutions to clothing issues)
3)Representation (solutions to the challenges of racial diversity)
▼Gallery tours [Reservations required].
For those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the exhibition space and learn through dialogue, a gallery tour of the exhibition space will be led by the VFW models.
The models, who come from diverse backgrounds such as age, disabilities, nationality, etc., will give visitors a chance to discover new things from their own perspectives, such as how they can devise ways for everyone to enjoy fashion comfortably, what they saw, heard, and felt as they took on this runway challenge, and what they felt while walking the runway. 
(*Although advance reservations are required, if seats are available on the day of the event, we will be able to accommodate you. Please feel free to ask.)
▼Workshop [Reservations required].
Inclusive Design Workshop is an opportunity for participants to experience how to utilize the voices of diverse people in product development, from input to dialogue and output through the workshop, within the framework of about one hour per session.
This year's workshop will focus on two themes. Please join us as a time to experience creating things/businesses/spaces with diverse parties.
Duh! Fashion Design with Diverse People
Theme 2: Minority Communication with Diverse People
(*Although advance reservations are required, if seats are available on the day of the event, we may be able to accommodate you. Please feel free to ask)
▼Talk Session [Reservations required].
Japan is still a backward country in terms of diversity promotion. However, it is also true that many individuals and businesses continue to raise their voices to promote diversity, and we have invited speakers who are active in a variety of fields to discuss issues related to diversity and inclusion in all aspects, which we have faced in the global arena of the VFW, as well as the future of diversity promotion in Japan. We have prepared a talk session that will lead to opportunities to think about and practice the future of diversity promotion in Japan with all attendees.
(*Although advance reservations are required, if seats are available on the day of the event, we may be able to accommodate you. Please feel free to ask)