

©︎Harrison Family

生誕75周年記念「ジョージ・ハリスン アイ・ミー・マイン展」"George Harrison I ME MINE Exhibition"
in celebration of the 75th anniversary of his birth

会 期 2018年2月17日(土) - 2018年3月11日(日)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 前売券:1,000円(税込)/ 当日券:1,200円(税込:当日券の発売はザ・ビートルズ・クラブをご覧ください。)※ビートルズ・クラブ会員は200円引(当日券をお求めの際は、会場受付にて会員証のご呈示が必要になります。)


※Entry ticket is necessary to enter this exhibition. Purchasing tickets in advance is recommended.



主催:ザ・ビートルズ・クラブ、8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery


協力:Genesis Publications

Organized by The Beatles Club, 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery

Supportbacked by J-WAVE

Supported by Genesis Publications



ロサンゼルス、ロンドンで開催され話題となった『ジョージ・ハリスン アイ・ミー・マイン展』が、ジョージの生誕75周年を記念して日本で初上陸。

元ビートルズのメンバー、ジョージ・ハリスンにフォーカスしたこの展示会では、未亡人オリビア・ハリスンの全面的な協力を得て、忠実に復刻された原寸大のジョージの手書き作詞原稿22点やジョージの家族写真などが公開されます。また、今回日本特別企画として、ジョージ・ハリスンがビートルズ時代に着用した衣装や手紙などが展示される予定です。展示会会場に併設されるショップでは、ジョージの代表作「I Me Mine」作詞原稿の全世界限定75点のプリント額やオリビアが撮影したジョージの写真額、日本限定のノベルティ付き普及版「I Me Mine 増補版」なども特別販売されます。


「ジョージ・ハリスン アイ・ミー・マイン展」特設ページ

























The 75th Anniversary HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE 


時間:19:00 - 20:30(開場:18:30)

会場:渋谷ヒカリエ 8/ COURT(渋谷ヒカリエ8階、展示会場と同じフロア)



主催者:ザ・ビートルズ・クラブ、8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery


出演者:ザ・ビートルズ・クラブ解説員、ROY、TAXMAN (THE BAWDIES)、MC/サッシャ(J-WAVEナビゲーター)


J-WAVEナビゲーターのサッシャによる司会進行で、ザ・ビートルズ・クラブが「ジョージ・ハリスン アイ・ミー・マイン展」を大研究。展示作品の解説を行います。また、ジョージの75歳のお誕生日をみなさんでお祝いするためのセレモニー、THE BAWDIESのボーカルROYさんとギターTAXMANさんを招いてのトーク・ショウも。このイベントにご参加のみなさまへはおみやげをお渡しします。

<ザ・ビートルズ・クラブ公式サイト内 アイ・ミー・マイン展特設ページ>










8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery






The George Harrison I Me Mine exhibition, held to great acclaim in Los Angeles and London, will make its way to Japan for the first time to celebrate the 75th anniversary of George’s birth.

With the full cooperation of his widow Olivia Harrison, the exhibition, focusing on this former The Beatles, will feature 22 actual-size George Harrison lyric manuscripts and George Harrison family photos, among others. Also to be exhibited, as special Japan-only items, will be costumes he wore with The Beatles and letters he wrote. A reproduction of the lyric manuscript of his iconic "I Me Mine” song (part of an edition that is limited to 75 copies worldwide), a framed photograph of him taken by Olivia, and the trade edition of the book I Me Mine (the Extended Edition) - which will be bundled with Japan-only items - will be sold at the shop.


George Harrison I Me Mine exhibition website (The page is located within the official The Beatles Club website)




<Ticket purchase>

Tickets can only be purchased through the website Ticket To Ride.

Payment can be made through the Beatles Club card, credit cards, and convenience store payment system.


Advance ticket: 1,000 JPY (tax included)

Day ticket: 1,200 JPY (tax included / Please visit The Beatls Club for more tickets information.)

*200 JPY discount for Beatles Club members (Please present your membership card at the entrance.)



All tickets will have assigned dates. In addition, Saturday and Sunday tickets will have assigned time slots. Purchasers of advance tickets will be required to specify the date and - if applicable - time slot.

Three time slots for Saturday and Sunday tickets is as follows:

Time slot 1 - From 11:00, (final entry at 13:40)

Time slot 2 - From 14:00, (final entry at 16:40)

Time slot 3 - From 17:00, (final entry at 19:40)

*Weekday tickets will not have any assigned time slots, but final entry will be at 19:40.



*The sale of day tickets may be canceled if tickets for a specific date or time slot are sold out, or if the venue is deemed to be too full. We recommend visitors to purchase advance tickets.

*Visitors may not be allowed entry except during the time slot and date assigned to the ticket when the venue is full.


Please access website below for further details on ticket purchase




Related event

The 75th Anniversary HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE

Friday, February 23, 2018

Start time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm (Open time: 6:30pm)

Venue: “8/COURT” (facing 8/ART GALLERY / Tomio Koyama Gallery)

*Tickets sold out.


Organized by The Beatles Club, 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery

Supportbacked by J-WAVE

Guest: ROY, TAXMAN (THE BAWDIES), MC / Sascha (J-WAVE Navigator)


Talk event by the guest and MC about the items shown at “George Harrison I ME MINE Exhibition”.

Please access website below for further details on ticket purchase





For inquiries about the exhibition, tickets, merchandise etc

The Beatles Club

03-5453-2700 (10am-6pm, weekdays)


For inquiries about the venue

8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery

03-6434-1493 (11am-8pm)

