

The BAR Vol.10
The Backers Foundation and AIT Residence Programme
Shaping Voices, Silent Skies

会 期 2017年7月 1日(土) - 2017年7月17日(月)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 入場無料 Admission Free
Opening reception: Friday, June 30, 2017 6pm-8pm
主催: NPO法人アーツイニシアティヴトウキョウ[AIT/エイト]
共催: バッカーズ・ファンデーション
協力: 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery、株式会社 ポンテヴェキオ ホッタ
Organized by Arts Initiative Tokyo [AIT]
Co-organized by The Backers Foundation
Supported by 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Ponte Vecchio Hotta Corporation
登壇者:ミティ・ルアンクリタヤー、サラ・アブ アブダラ
2017年7月8日(土)14:00-16:00(開場 13:30)
会場:8/ COURT(8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery向かい)
事前申込 要
申込方法 下記の内容にて、メールでご応募ください。
【Related Event】
Artist Talk
Speakers: Miti Ruangkritya, Sarah Abu Abdallah
Saturday, July 8, 2017 2pm-4pm (doors open: 1:30pm)
8/ COURT (in front of 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery on the 8th floor of Shibuya Hikarie)
Admission: Free
Booking: Required
*To register for the event please send an email with its subject line as “Artist Talk July 8” at event@tomiokoyamagallery.com, including your name, contact phone number and the number of participants.
8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Galleryでは、ミティ・ルアンクリタヤー(タイ)とサラ・アブ アブダラ(サウジアラビア)による新作展を開催します。
バッカーズ・ファンデーションとNPO法人アーツイニシアティヴトウキョウ[AIT/エイト]は、7月1日(土)から7月17日(月・祝)まで「Shaping Voices, Silent Skies」展を8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Galleryにて開催します。本展は、海外のアーティストを東京に招へいするアーティスト・イン・レジデンス・プログラム(The BAR)の10回目の成果展となり、本年はタイ出身のミティ・ルアンクリタヤーと、サウジアラビア出身のサラ・アブ アブダラが、日本未発表の作品に加え、東京で制作した新作を披露します。 ミティ・ルアンクリタヤーは、バンコクを拠点に創作活動をしています。主に写真やインターネット上のイメージを用いて、タイで近年みられる急激な都市開発による環境の変化、また、そこに集う人々の姿と欲望、喧騒と静寂など、都市が見せるさまざまな表情に着目しています。代表的なシリーズのひとつである《Imagining Flood》(2011)は、バンコクが洪水による被害を受けた日の、暗く静粛な人間不在の都市を切り取ることで、幻想的な都市の異相と自然への畏怖を際立たせています。 近年、シャルジャ・ビエンナーレ11(2013)などの国際展でも注目されるサウジアラビア出身のサラ・アブ アブダラは、絵画的な思考を取り入れながら、映像作品を中心に表現活動を行う若手アーティストです。映像作品《SAUDI AUTOMOBILE》(2012)には、アブ アブダラが、遺棄された車に無言のまま薄いピンクの塗料を施していく姿が映し出されています。「この切望的な行為のみが、私が車を所有できる唯一の方法なのです」と彼女が言うように、作品からは、女性が車を運転することが禁止されている同国の性規範への一つの眼差しが表現されています。 ふたりに共通するのは、グローバル化する都市や社会が作り出す幻想と、そこから取り残されて行く存在に触れながら、衝突ではなく静かな批判制を内包した表現ということでしょう。彼らの作品からは、私たちが生きる社会状況を映しつつも、政治性やジェンダーのステレオタイプに集約されることを意識的に避けようとする態度が見えます。 本展では、日本未発表の作品に加え、ルアンクリタヤーはバンコクにおける都市開発と東京、特に開発が進む渋谷の現在の姿を重ね合わせ、その裏に潜む環境汚染への危惧感にも言及します。アブ アブダラは、彼女がサウジアラビアで見ていた日本のアニメーションや漫画から構想した新作を発表します。3ヶ月の滞在で、ふたりが都市の囁きをどのように掬い取るのか、新作にご期待ください。 テキスト:堀内奈穂子[AIT/エイト] 
8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery is pleased to present Miti Ruangkritya and Sarah Abu Abdallah's group show.
The Backers Foundation and AIT will co-present "Shaping Voices, Silent Skies", an exhibition held from July 1 (Sat) to July 17 (Mon, National holiday) at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery. This exhibition marks the 10th edition that the Backers Foundation and AIT have partnered on a joint residency programme that invites international artists to Tokyo, this year welcoming Miti Ruangkritya from Thailand, and Sarah Abu Abdallah from Saudi Arabia to present their works show for the first time in Japan, in addition to new works created during their stay in Tokyo. Working mainly with photography and images from the Internet, Bangkok-based Miti Ruangkritya focuses on the environmental changes caused by rapid development that have occurred in urban areas of Thailand in recent years, in addition to the desires of city dwellers, and the tumult, silence and other shifting moods of the city itself. In Imagining Flood (2011), one of the artist's representative works, Ruangkritya presents a disquieting night-time scene of Bangkok whose streets appear silent and deserted. Filmed on a day when the capital suffered damage from floods, it heightens the strangeness of the city and our fear of nature to an almost fantastical level. In recent years Sarah Abu Abdallah, a young artist from Saudi Arabia who has gained attention in international exhibitions such as the Sharjah Biennale 11 (2013), has produced video works that incorporate thought processes particular to painting, a field in which she received training. In the video work SAUDI AUTOMOBILE (2012) the figure of Abu Abdallah, is filmed as she silently applies whitish-pink paint to an abandoned car. As reflected in the artist's comment, "This wishful gesture was the only way I could get myself a car," the work reveals the artist's focus of attention: the gender norms of a nation where women are prohibited to drive cars. What the artist have in common is that, although they sense the illusions generated by globalized cities and societies, and the realities that lie behind them, their work expresses quiet criticism rather than conflict. While reflecting the social situation in which we find ourselves, their expressions reveal an attitude that consciously avoids integration into political and gender stereotypes. In addition to works shown for the first time in Japan, in this exhibition Ruangkritya will superimpose images of urban development in Bangkok with those of Tokyo, and Shibuya in particular where development is visibly advancing, in order to suggest a hidden sense of anxiety toward environment pollution that such urbanization may cause, while Abu Abdallah has conceived dreamscapes inspired by Japanese anime and Manga. We hope you will share in our anticipation to see how the artists respond to the city's whispers during their three-month residency. Texts by Naoko Horiuchi [AIT] / Translated by Jaime Humphreys
サラ・アブ アブダラ
Miti Ruangkritya
Born in 1981, lives and works in Bangkok, Thailand
Ruangkritya is a Thai based image maker. His work focuses on an issue or a topic surrounding his life. In particular, the city often surfaces as a dominant subject - from its environments and people and to its transformation and growth. His work is included in the public collection of Takamatsu City Museum of Art and many others.
Sarah Abu Abdallah
Born in 1990, lives and works in Qatif, Saudi Arabia
Abu Abdallah lives and works in Qatif, Saudi Arabia and studied art in both Rhode Island school of design for her masters in digital media, and in the college of art and design in University of Sharjah. She is an artist and a puzzle-maker who works across a variety of media include video, installation, poetry and images.
展覧会に関するお問い合わせ:8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery TEL: 03-6434-1493
レジデンス・プログラムに関するお問い合わせ:NPO法人アーツイニシアティヴトウキョウ[AIT/エイト]TEL: 03-5489-7277