会 期 | 2017年4月26日(水) - 2017年5月22日(月) |
時 間 | 11:00 - 20:00 |
場 所 | 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery |
料 金 | 入場無料 Admission Free |
Opening reception: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 6pm-8pm/Artist talk: 7pm-
大宮エリーは1975年大阪生まれ、東京大学薬学部卒業。広告代理店勤務を経て、日常を綴ったエッセイ集を書いて人気を博しました。作家業の傍ら、ラジオのパーソナリティーや、テレビ番組の司会、舞台の作演出を手がけるなど、幅広く活動しています。美術活動としては、2012年より来場者が参加して作品が完成する体験型の個展を開催。同年、上野で行なったライブペインティング「お祝いの調べ:直島」をきっかけに、本格的に絵画制作をはじめ、2015年には代官山のヒルサイドテラスにて個展「emotional journey」を行いました。昨年、十和田市現代美術館にて開催された個展「シンシアリー・ユアーズ 親愛なるあなたの大宮エリーより」では、美術館を越えて十和田市内の商店街にも作品を展開し、大きな話題を呼びました。
Other Exhibition: Ellie Omiya "This is forest speaking"
日時: 2017年4月22日(土) - 6月11日(日)
会場:金津創作の森 Kanaz Forest of Creation
〒919-0806 福井県あわら市宮谷57-2-19
57-2-19 Miyadani, Awara, Fukui, Japan 919-0806
関連イベント:大宮エリー Work’s Fes
日時:2017年5月13日(土)13:00-19:00(ミニトークとサイン会 15:00-17:00)
2017年5月14日(日)13:00-19:00 *上映会のみ
会場:8/ COURT(8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery向かい)
Ellie Omiya’s work has the energy of life overflowing from the canvas and filling the space. As a creator she has various expressions, and her liberated imagination pushes the possibilities of art without any constraints. This is Omiya’s first exhibition at Tomio Koyama Gallery, and features her latest work “Fortune flowers” as well as works presented at her exhibition in Towada Art Center as well as works that are being shown for the first time. Flowers, trees, and landscapes such as lakes are depicted vividly through the artist’s emotion, moving the viewer into active experiences beyond the mere act of looking. Omiya also often performs live painting with live music. She says, “My live drawings are stories. They continue and constantly develop.” Arising from a horizon on a canvas, they evoke tangible sensations such as the buzz of particular places; lights, and smells. Because they are direct representations of what is felt by the artist, they invite the viewer to a rich world of artistic resonances. The viewer can experience dense sensations directed toward the outer world.
This is a secret garden. I plan to make this small exhibition like that.
They evoke smells. The paintings are windows. The viewer can see various gardens and flowers from the windows.
Pure senses of plants and flowers. The energy of the sun.
Wind blowing. Please come to a room like that!
And I hope that you will be skipping on the way back. (Ellie Omiya)
Ellie Omiya was born in 1975 in Osaka. She graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. After working at an advertising agency, she achieved popularity for her essays about daily life. Besides her career as a writer, she works as a radio personality as well as a host of TV programs and a writer and a director of stage plays. From 2012, she started holding interactive solo exhibitions in which works are completed by the viewers' participation. She started to paint on the occasion of her live drawing "Celebration Melody: Naoshima" in Ueno in 2012, and continues to explore the medium of painting. She held a solo exhibition “emotional journey” at Daikanyama Hillside Terrace in 2015. In a solo exhibition “Sincerely Yours” at Towada Art Center she exhibited also in the city centre arcade, which received attention. She will hold a solo exhibition “This is forest speaking” from April 22 to June 11 at Kanaz Forest of Creation.