

大野智史 展「Beautiful Dreaming.」Satoshi Ohno "Beautiful Dreaming."

会 期 2015年9月30日(水) - 2015年10月19日(月)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 入場無料 Admission Free

Opening reception: 9. 30 (Wed) 18:00 - 20:00
Artist talk: 9. 30 (Wed) 18:30 -

大野智史 Satoshi Ohno




大野智史は1980年岐阜県生まれ。2004年東京造形大学卒業。現在山梨県富士吉田市を拠点に、制作活動を行っています。小山登美夫ギャラリーでの個展は4度目、2007年にはホノルル現代美術館で個展「Prism Violet」を行いました。主なグループ展に、「越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2009」(福武ハウス 2009 / 旧名ヶ山小学校、新潟)、「VOCA展2010」(上野の森美術館、東京)、「リアル・ジャパネスク」(国立国際美術館、大阪、12年)「『アート・スコープ2012-2014』─旅の後もしくは痕」(原美術館、東京、14年)、「絵画の在りか」(東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー、14年)などがあります。作品は原美術館、トヨタアートコレクション、国立国際美術館ほか、国内外の個人コレクターにも収蔵されています。

Satoshi Ohno paints images of speakers, figures, prisms, and spirals against backgrounds of primeval forests. With a studio at the foot of Mt.Fuji, Ohno considers primeval forests as places where life begins and ends. Viewers are strongly attracted to his vivid colored prisms, symbols of charm, beauty, and allure. Ohno received a grant from Dimlar Foundation in 2013 which gave him the opportunity to stay in Berlin. During the residency he had the opportunity to observe German Expressionism intensively, which greatly influenced him. On the other hand, he recognized the different pictorial aesthetics that arose from differences of climate between Japan and Europe. His experience of this awareness appeared in paintings shown at "Art Scope 2012-2014: Remains of Their Journeys" at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo (2014).
This exhibition forms part Ohno’s previous exhibitions as a series, featuring paintings of prisms, and motifs of subtropical forests. His understanding of Eastern and Western art history, and his explorations of pictorial representation are painted onto flat colored compositions, as if to symbolize the era of digitalization. At the same time, his pictorial representation antagonizes the flat color composition on a canvas surface, layering the senses and ever pursuing the possibilities of painting.

Satoshi Ohno was born in 1980 in Gifu. Having graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, he currently lives and works in Yamanashi. He has held four solo exhibitions at Tomio Koyama Gallery, as well as "Prism Violet" at The Honolulu Museum of Art (2007).  He has also participated in many group exhibitions including "Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2009" at Fukutake House 2009 (the former Nagaya Elementary School building in Niigata); "VOCA 2010" at Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo; "Real Japanesque" at The National Museum of Art, Osaka (2012); "Art Scope 2012-2014 Remains of Their Journeys" at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (2014); and "The Way of Painting" at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (2014).  His work is included in the collections of the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, the Toyota Art Collection, and The National Museum of Art, and also in numerous private collections of Japanese and international collectors.
