

柏原由佳、川島秀明、工藤麻紀子、桑久保徹、桑原正彦、福井篤展Yuka Kashihara, Hideaki Kawashima, Makiko Kudo, Toru Kuwakubo, Masahiko Kuwahara, Atsushi Fukui

会 期 2015年8月19日(水) - 2015年9月 7日(月)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 入場無料 Admission Free


Opening reception: 8. 19 (Wed) 18:00 - 20:00
8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Galleryでは、柏原由佳、 川島秀明、 工藤麻紀子、 桑久保徹、 桑原正彦、 福井篤 の6名のアーティストの絵画を展示します。
柏原由佳は、2006年に武蔵野美術大学日本画学科を卒業した後ドイツに渡り、現在はライプツィヒ視覚芸術アカデミーの博士課程に在学しています。日本画の色の重ね方を用いながら油彩で描く風景画では、実在する景色と内的な想像の空間が豊かに織り上げられます。「VOCA展 2012」では佳作賞と大原美術館賞を受賞しました。

Yuka Kashihara
Born in 1980, Yuka Kashihara studied Japanese Painting at Musashino Art University. After graduating, she moved to Germany, and currently studies at Academy of Visual Arts, Leiptig for the doctorate degree. Applying oil paint in layers in the Japanese painting manner, she created scenery paintings where her imaginary and actual landscapes are woven together. She received the Ohara Museum award and the award at VOCA 2012 (Vision of Contemporary Art).
Hideaki Kawashima
Born in 1969.
After graduating from Tokyo Zokei University in 1991,  Hideaki Kawashima undertook 2 years of training with the esoteric Tendai Buddhist sect at the Hieizan Enryakuji Temple. The subject of his portraiture embraces various emotions and expressions in a silent atmosphere, while we also feel our own strength and weakness inside ourselves in tension in his work. His work is included in the public collection of Takamatsu City Museum of Art and many others.

Makiko Kudo
Born in 1978.
Makiko Kudo graduated from the oil painting course of Jyoshibi University of Art and Design. She constructs sophisticated and accurate composition with primitive brushstrokes and vivid colors, and fills the paintings with chaotic yet energetic dynamism. Her work is included in the public collections such as Los Angels Museum of Contemporary Art and Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Kudo has solo exhibitions in Japan and internationally, including London and Copenhagen.
Toru Kuwakubo
Born in 1978.
Toru Kuwakubo recieved BA in oil painting fromTama Art University in 2002. His artistic practice started with acting as a fictional "professional painter" as the impressionists setting an easel at the beach. He depicts his inner landscape using oil paints without thinning by mixing oil, and applying thick paints on canvas surface. In 2011, he received 3rd Koji Kinutani art award.
Masahiko Kuwahara
Bron in 1959
He began presenting work around 1980s.  In his paintings, sceneries of water or mountains are depicted in somewhere between abstract and figurative. His subjects are something ordinary in our daily life yet overlooked easily. His work is collected internationally.
Atsushi Fukui
Born in 1966.
Graduating from oil painting course of Tokyo Art University in 1989, Atsushi Fukui’s artistic practice includes collaboration with a musician, David Sylvian.
His utopia-like landscapes are somewhat unapproachable and cold, bracing beautiful atmosphere, yet bring us various imaginations.