

増井淑乃「Golden Meadow」展Yoshino Masui “Golden Meadow”

会 期 2013年7月10日(水) - 2013年7月29日(月)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 入場無料 Admission Free

◉ オープニングレセプション:7月10日(水)18:00~ 20:00
◉ ギャラリートーク 増井淑乃 x 小山登美夫:7月10日(水)18:30~




増井淑乃は1976年静岡県生まれ。1999年多摩美術大学美術学部芸術学科卒業。現在東京を拠点に制作を行っています。増井の作品は繊細で細密な水彩画です。幼い頃の色や匂いの記憶をもとに時間をかけ何度も重ねて描かれる画面には、滲みと入念な描線により独特のテクスチュアが生み出されます。芥川賞作家である磯崎憲一郎のデビュー作『肝心の子供』(第44回文藝賞受賞/ 2007年、河出書房新社主催) の装画となった他、世界中のキュレーターや批評家により、1975年以降に生まれたアーティスト約500人が選出された『Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory』(2009年、New Museum and Phaidon Press)の中で、森美術館チーフ・キュレーター片岡真実氏により選ばれています。

 『Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory』(2009年、New Museum and Phaidon Press)より引用








*Opening reception : July 10 (Wed.) 18:00 ー 20:00
*Gallery talk by Yoshino Masui and Tomio Koyama :
  Starts from 18:30 on July 10 (Wed.) at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery



Born in 1976, Shizuoka prefecture. Graduated from the Faculty of Art and Design, Tama Art University in 1999. Currently based in Tokyo. The works of Masui consist of delicate minute watercolor paintings based on the colors and scents of her childhood. Masui's work has been used for the cover of an Akutagawa Award novelist Kenichiro Isozaki's debut work Kanjin no Kodomo (2007, Kawade Shobo Shinsha). She was also selected by Mami Kataoka, a chief curator at the Mori Art Museum, for Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory (2009, New Museum and Phaidon Press), which features over 500 of the best artists born after 1975 selected by international curators and critics. 

"With watercolor on paper, she creates abstract landscapes that reference mythological narrative alongside traditions of pattern and decoration. Most of her compositions include a single animal moving through imaginary environments."

Mami Kataoka, "MASUI, YOSHINO" from Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory
(2009, New Museum and Phaidon Press)

Having experienced the severing of ties with the land where she was born, Masui who is often stricken with sensations of floating, talks of trying once more to connect with her birthplace through her painting. In beautiful and colorful works in which she wishes "to paint things which anyone can understand", the heart of the viewer is captured directly, recalling landscapes and sensations which appear to have been seen somewhere or felt before within memory. In this exhibition, works made since 2010 which include 4 new works will be on view.


More information about Yoshino Masui: