

デヴィッド・リンチ展David Lynch

会 期 2014年6月25日(水) - 2014年7月14日(月)
時 間 11:00 - 20:00
場 所 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery
料 金 入場無料 Admission Free


デヴィッド・リンチ 鬼才デヴィッド・リンチの新作版画/写真展


映画監督のデヴィッド・リンチは、映画のみならず、若いときから絵画や写真、アニメーションや立体作品など、様々な方法で独自の表現活動を続けています。1989年レオ・キャステリ画廊で個展。2007年のパリのカルティエ現代美術財団での大回顧展「The Air is on Fire」は大成功を収めました。日本では1991年に東京の東高現代美術館、近年では2012年に、ラフォーレミュージアム原宿にて個展を行っています。また、今年7月から10月にかけて21_21 DESIGN SIGHTで行なわれる企画展「イメージメーカー展」にも作品を出展します。今回は2012年以来2回目の個展で、工房の版画の機械と裸婦をモチーフに撮影した写真シリーズ「NUDE - ATELIER IDEM 2012」と、2012年以降のリトグラフ版画を中心とした近作をご紹介します。





21_21 DESIGN SIGHTでもデヴィッド・リンチの出展する企画展


21_21 DESIGH SIGHT(東京ミッドタウン・ガーデン内)


2014年7月4日(金)~ 10月5日(日)

11:00 ~ 20:00(入場は19:30まで) 








David Lynch is a well-known movie director but has also expressed his creative impulses in other media from his early years: painting, photography, animation, and sculpture as well as film. He had a solo exhibition of his artwork at Leo Castelli Gallery in 1989.  His largest retrospective exhibition “The Air is on Fire” at Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Paris in 2007 achieved great success. In Japan, he held a solo exhibition at the Toko Museum of Contemporary Art in 1991, and recently, at Laforet Museum Harajuku in 2012.  Lynch is exhibiting work at a special exhibition at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, “Image-Makers”, from July until October this year.  This will be his second solo exhibition since 2012, and he will present a series of photographs “NUDE ATELIER IDEM 2012” as well as recent works including lithographs produced after 2012.


David Lynch was born in 1946, in Montana, USA.  He enrolled at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1965, aiming to become a painter.  Funded by AFI (American Film Institute), he completed the production of “Eraserhead” in 1977.  He went on to release “The Elephant Man” in 1980 which was nominated in eight categories at the Academy Awards, “Blue Velvet” in 1986 which was nominated for Best Director at the Academy Awards, and “Wild at Heart” in 1990 which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, while his TV series “Twin Peaks” which ran from 1989 to 1991 became a big hit all over the world.  He received the Best Director Award at the Cannes Film Festival in 2001 with “Mulholland Drive”, and in 2006 he was given the Golden Lion Award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival.