会 期 | 2016年3月 2日(水) - 2016年3月28日(月) |
時 間 | 11:00 - 20:00 |
場 所 | 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery |
料 金 | 入場無料 Admission Free |
本展覧会について作家は次のように語ります。「 花や植物が心から素晴らしいと思えるようになった。外国で出会ったライラックの花の小さなその一つ一つ。可愛らしい色合いのすみれ。鳥肌が立つほど美しいバラ。コサージュのように輝き、たわわに咲く椿。ふわふわをもつ不思議な植物。そして生命力溢れ複雑に広がる緑。その素晴らしさを知れば知るほど、これまで私が惹かれてきたものは、実は自然がルーツにあると納得した。装飾の神様は自然のなかに溢れていて、一番美しい色や形はそこにあると身をもって体感した。」制作への原動力が「自然」にあることを改めて実感し、新しく制作された新作絵画約10点を展示します。小山登美夫ギャラリーでは3度目の個展となる本展、佐藤翠の神秘的で洗練された世界観をぜひご高覧下さい。
佐藤翠は1984年愛知県生まれ。現在も名古屋市を拠点に制作しています。作品は、芥川賞受賞作家・中村文則の小説『去年の冬、きみと別れ』(2013年、幻冬舎)の装画や、松永大司の映画『トイレのピエタ』(15年)の劇中に使われたり、『花椿』(資生堂)では原田マハの短編小説と挿画でコラボレーションをするなど、その活躍の場を広げています。「VOCA展2013現代美術の展望―新しい平面の作家たち」(13年、上野の森美術館、東京)では大原美術館賞を受賞、作品は同美術館に収蔵されました。また,昨年,資生堂ギャラリーでの展覧会「絵画を抱きしめて Enbracing for Painting」では鏡を用いた作品も出展し好評を博しました。
A closet packed with varying colors of clothes; a shoe-rack onto which high-heels are carefully ar- ranged; vivid and brilliant flowers. Midori Sato’s paintings like jewelry boxes filled with girls’ aspira- tions. The audacious and nimble touch of her brushstrokes, seemingly absorbed within the picture plane as we look, dissolves the contours of her motifs. Within a painting that shares both a sense of concrete embodiment and one of abstraction, one we can perceive the strong sense of charm exud- ed by the vibrant colors and excellently crafted compositions. As been pointed out by art historian and art critic Shuji Takashina, Sato’s paintings are brimming with a sense of allure and rapture and show a splendid world without parallel.
Regarding this exhibition, the artist remarks: ‘I have begun to really think from my heart, how truly wonderful flowers and plants are. The each of tiny tiny lilac flower that I encountered abroad - A violet with a charming hue. A rose so beautiful it gives me goosebumps. A camellia with a radiance like that of corsage, blooming magnificently. A strange plants with airy puffs. And then a green which expands in complex ways, overflowing with life-force. The more I commune with nature, more I realize that in fact, everything that has ever captivated me up until now has its roots in nature. Aesthetic gods are redolent within nature, as are the most beautiful colors and forms - this I felt with my whole self.’
In her third solo show with Tomio Koyama Gallery, Sato here exhibits ten paintings that are newly created with perceiving ‘nature’ as a driving force of her creation. We warmly welcome you to come and peruse the mysterious and refined world view of Midori Sato.
Midori Sato was born in Aichi Prefecture in 1984. She graduated from Oil Painting Course, Nagoya University of Arts in 2008, and received M.F.A. from Graduate School of Tokyo Zokei University in 2010. Based in Nagoya, she continues to work successfully across an ever-expanding range of fields; her work has been selected on the cover art of Akutagawa Prize-winning writer Fuminori Nakamura’s novel ‘Last Winter, We Parted’ (2013, Gentosha Inc.), within Daishi Matsunaga’s film ‘Pieta in the Toilet’ (2015) , and in a collaboration for the illustrations of Maha Harada’s novel ‘Hanatsubaki’ (Shise- ido). In the exhibition “VOCA 2013”(2013, Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo), she won the Judge’s Prize of the Ohara Museum of Art Award, and the same museum purchased her work for its own collection. Further, in her solo exhibition last year at Shiseido Gallery “Embracing for Painting”, she presented the works that utilized the mirror were highly praied.
More information about Midori Sato : http://koyamaartprojects.com/news/midorisato-secret-garden/