会 期 | 2016年2月 3日(水) - 2016年2月29日(月) |
時 間 | 11:00 - 20:00 |
場 所 | 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery |
料 金 | 入場無料 Admission Free |
本展覧会では2002年に制作された「In a Spin, the Action of the World on Things, Volume I」(スピン・エッチング全23点・68部限定)を展示します。本シリーズで作家は、回転する版に針やドライバーを押し当て製版を行っています。版のスピーディな回転から生まれた規則的な円の連なりの上に、不規則に広がるペイント。作家の鋭敏な感性が画面中心から外の世界まで広がります。
ダミアン・ハーストは1965年イギリス、ブリストル生まれ。1984 年にロンドンに移住し建築現場で働いた後、1986年から1989年までゴールドスミス・カレッジにてファインアートを学びました。在学中の1986年、最初の「スポット・ペインティング」シリーズの制作を開始。1988年には学生達によるグループ展「Freeze」を主催、キュレーションを手がけ、この展覧会はハーストのみならず、YBAの名が一躍世に広まるきっかけとなりました。1995年牛の親子をそれぞれ真っ二つに切断しホルマリン溶液に浸した作品「Mother and Child Divided」にて、現代美術界で最も重要な賞の1つといわれるターナー賞を受賞。数千のダイヤを骸骨に散りばめた作品「For the Love of God」など、一貫して、生と死、宗教、美、科学などをテーマに制作を行ってきました。現在まで80以上の個展と250以上のグループ展が世界中で開かれており、2012年にはテート・モダンにて大回顧展が開催されました。
Damien Hirst is one of the major representative artists of the contemporary age. First exhibited in the early 1990s, his huge shark pickled in formalin was a sensational and provocative artwork, while of course it also shocked the art world and viewers at the time. As a central artist within the YBAs (Young British Artists), Hirst has carved out his name within contemporary art history, with works inspiring conviction in the new possibilities for artistic expression. Concurrently with Hirst’s se- quences of work dealing with themes of life and death, he has also been creating an aesthetic world that is thoroughly systematized and rationalized.
In this exhibition, Hirst will present ‘In a Spin, the Action of the World on Things, Volume I’ (23 spin etchings, in a limited edition of 68). In this series the artist worked on rotating plates with needles and screwdrivers to create the etching plates. Due to the rapid revolution of the plates, together with a systematical range of circles the prints contain an irregularly spreading field of paint, as though the artist’s sharp sensitivity is being diffused from within the picture plane to the outside world.
Damien Hirst was born in Bristol, England, in 1965. After finished working on construction sites in London where he moved in 1984, he studied fine art at Goldsmiths College from 1986 - 1989. While a student in 1986, he began creating his first “Spot Paintings” series. In 1988, he orchestrated the student group show “Freeze”, which became the impetus by which not only Hirst’s name, but also those of the YBAs throughout the world. In 1995, his work “Mother and Child Divided”, an adult cow and its calf, each split exactly into two halves and submerged in formalin, won the Turner Prize, what is considered the most important award in the contemporary art world. In another work, “For the Love of God”, a skull is studded with several thousand diamonds. Life and death, religion, beauty, science and other concerns are consistently developed and worked into Hirst’s practice. He has staged over 80 solo exhibitions and over 250 group exhibitions worldwide to date, and in 2012 Tate Modern presented his retrospective exhibition.