会 期 | 2013年12月 4日(水) - 2013年12月16日(月) |
時 間 | 11:00 - 20:00 |
場 所 | 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery |
料 金 | 入場無料 Admission Free |
◉オープニングレセプション:2013年12月4日(水)18:00 ー 20:00
ホリングスワースの作品を観ていると、あたかも作家の制作の現場を目撃しているかのような錯覚に陥ります。生き生きとした筆の運び、厚く塗られた絵の具とそれを削った跡、影。筆だけでなく厚紙で自作した道具なども用いて生まれる多様なテクスチュアは、作家自身の好奇心、制作の喜びを物語っているようです。乾いていない画面に絵筆を入れる、“wet on wet”と彼が呼ぶ手法を用いるなど、『理論が全面に出たアート』ではなく、『「ボディ」というものをアートに取り戻したい』というホリングスワースの挑戦、そこから紡がれる濃密なペインティングの世界をご堪能ください。
※The artist will not be attending the opening reception.
Dennis Hollingsworth was born in 1956 in Madrid, Spain. He currently lives and works in Tossa de Mar, Spain and New York, USA.
When looking at the works of Hollingsworth, the viewer is caught up in the illusion of witnessing the actual moment of its creation. Lively brushstrokes, thick paint and its scraped traces, shadows; the diverse textures created not only by ready-made brushes but also by palette knives, squeegees, and cardboard tools created by the artist seem to speak of Hollingsworth’s overbrimming artistic curiosity and the pleasure he takes in his practice. By using practices such as “wet on wet”, or applying paint to a still-wet field, Hollingsworth believes he will be able to recover an art which not only ‘fully realizes theory’, but further possesses ‘body’ in itself. The exhibition will present the richly woven world of his paintings.
His work was exhibited in 1999 at the Kunsthalle Basel as part of the group show ‘Nach-Bild’, which also featured artists Richard Hamilton and Laura Owens. He continues to exhibit all over the world including in Germany, Holland, France, Spain, New York and Los Angeles.
More information about Dennis Hollingsworth : http://www.tomiokoyamagallery.com/artists_en/hollingsworth_en