会 期 | 2013年9月18日(水) - 2013年10月 7日(月) |
時 間 | 11:00 - 20:00 |
場 所 | 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery |
料 金 | 入場無料 Admission Free |
◉オープニングレセプション:2013年9月18日(水)18:00 ー 20:00
日本を代表する書家、井上有一(1916 年~ 1985 年)。
井上は19歳で教師となり、25歳で書家の上田桑鳩に師事して以来生涯書に取り組み、数多くの革新的な書を残しました。特に彼の「一文字書」は大胆な造形性を持ち、書と絵画の両領域で優れた傑作として国内外で高い評価を受けています。井上は当時始まって間もないサンパウロ・ビエンナーレ(第4回、第6回)、ドクメンタ 2、カーネギー・インターナショナル 1961などの国際展にも次々に参加。批評家のハーバート・リード氏にジャクソン・ポロック等の巨匠と並べ評されたことで評価は一層高まり、没後 1989 年には国内 7 美術館の巡回で回顧展が行われた他、1994 ~ 1995 年横浜美術館からグッゲンハイム美術館ソーホー、サンフランシスコ近代美術館へ巡回した『戦後日本の前衛美術展』へも出品。近年では長谷川祐子氏がキュレーターをつとめ、今年 3 ~ 5 月に開催されたシャルジャ・ビエンナーレ 11 にも出品されました。東京・京都の近代美術館ほか、国内外の多くの美術館に作品が収蔵されています。本展覧会では「花」の字の一文字書作品、約10点が展示されます。この貴重な機会に、気迫みなぎる井上作品をぜひご堪能ください。
尚、同時開催の小山登美夫ギャラリー(東京、清澄)ではシャルジャ・ビエンナーレに出展された作品10点、KAMIYA ART(日本橋)では小品約12点を展示いたします。詳細は下記をご覧ください。
小山登美夫ギャラリー: www.tomiokoyamagallery.com
KAMIYA ART: www.kamiya-art.com
Yu-ichi Inoe (1916-1985) is one of the most important calligraphers.
Inoue became a teacher at the age of 19, and started studying calligraphy under Sokyu Ueda when he was 25. Since then, he continued producing numerous significant works through his career. Especially his experimental "one character writings" possess a general plasticity, and as outstanding masterpieces which lie on the border of calligraphy and painting have received high acclaim both in Japan and overseas. He participated in important international exhibitions such as the São Paulo Art Biennial (the 4th and the 6th), Documenta 2, and Carnegie International 1961. His work received greater acclaim after comparison by the critic Herbert Read with masters such as Jackson Pollock and, after his death, a retrospective exhibition touring 7 domestic art museums was held in 1989, while his work was also included in "Scream Against the Sky: Japanese Art After 1945" which toured from Yokohama Museum of Art to The Guggenheim Museum Soho and The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in 1994 and 1995. In recent years, his work has also appeared in Sharjah Biennial 11 held this year from March to May, curated by Yuko Hasegawa. His work is in collections at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo and Kyoto, as well as in museums throughout Japan and overseas.
This exhibition will feature around 10 works from his "flower" series of the "one character writings". It runs simultaneously with two more exhibitions of Inoe's works: Tomio Koyama Gallery (Kiyosumishirakawa, Tokyo) will present 10 works that were exhibited at Sharjah Biennial 11, and 12 smaller works will be on view at KAMIYA ART (Nihonbashi, Tokyo).
Tomio Koyama Gallery: www.tomiokoyamagallery.com
KAMIYA ART: www.kamiya-art.com