会 期 | 2013年10月 9日(水) - 2013年10月21日(月) |
時 間 | 11:00 - 20:00 |
場 所 | 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery |
料 金 | 入場無料 Admission Free |
◉オープニングレセプション:10月9日(水)18:00 ー 20:00
吉村昌也は 1938 年大阪市生まれ。1961年東京外国語大学フランス語科卒業、商社勤務後、桑沢デザイン研究所に入所、1974年茨城県笠間市に築窯(なずな窯)。李朝の粉引を師としながら、「吉村粉引」と呼ばれる程の独自の世界を確立し、国内外多くの愛好家に支持されています。1984年日本橋三越にて個展を開催、その 後、各地で多数の個展を開催。パブリックコレクションとして大英博物館、クリーブランド美術館などに所蔵されています。吉村粉引の魅力は、粉引の温かみがありながら、凛と涼やかな印象と、造形の独創性。透明釉の他に用いる青白釉は青白く輝き、粉引ながら素地は固く焼き締められ吸水性が少ないので、染みにならずに食器としても使い易く、数々の名だたる飲食店でも使用されています。一昨年の東日本大震災により、なずな窯が崩壊。昨年4月再建、それを機に「粉引墨染手」の制作に着手。白く焼き上がった粉引の生地に更に炭化焼成を加え、玄黒とも言うべき黒生地を作り出す技法で本展はその第一回目の成果発表。75歳の現在に至るまで精力的に作陶活動を継続している吉村粉引の意欲作を、ぜひ実際の眼でご覧ください。
Masaya Yoshimura was born in 1938 in Osaka. In 1961 he graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and after working for a trading company, he studied at the Kuwasawa Design School. In 1974 in Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture, he constructed his own kiln: the ‘Nazuna’ kiln. He has mastered the Joseon Dynasty method of Kohiki and has developed his own style, which has attracted attention both in Japan and abroad. In 1984 he held a solo exhibition at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi and after that many further solo exhibitions in various venues. His works are in public collections including those of the British Museum and the Cleveland Museum of Art. His Kohiki’s unique appeal is that while it possesses warmth, the impression that its modelled shapes give is one of cool dignity: this is its ingenuity. In addition to translucent glaze, Yoshimura works with blue-white glaze that gives a beautiful radiance to the work. The body of Yoshimura’s work when fired to become rigid does not absorb much water, and is used by numerous restaurants of a famous reputation. In the Great East Japan Earthquake of two years ago, the ‘Nazuna’ kiln collapsed. Since its reconstruction in April last year, the artist has embarked on the new work. This exhibition is the first showing of the results of his new technique of combining clay which has been fired white with a new charcoal firing. At the age of 75, Yoshimura vigorously continues to produce his ceramic work.
More information about Masaya Yoshimura: